


Richards Industries is the parent company of six distinct industrial product lines: Jordan Valve, Steriflow阀, Marwin阀, LowFlow阀, 十六进制阀, 和贝斯特贝尔疏水阀. 它们的主要市场包括化学品, 石化, 制药, 以及食品加工业和纸制品, 轮胎和橡胶, 机械及电气设备, 运输设备, 能源行业. Their global network of representatives and distributors is their customers’ most valuable resource with over two hundred representatives throughout the world.

Richards Industries meets customer needs with a wide range of new and proven manufacturing technologies. 完成内部数控加工, 绘画, 组装, 和测试, along with material traceability and extensive 质量 procedures assures that Richards Industries products exceed expectations. 超过100,000平方英尺专用于数控车削中心, 立式加工中心, 铣床, 钻床. Custom engineering and an exceptional veteran workforce are the foundation of their superior manufacturing capabilities. 这种植物, 位于辛辛那提, 俄亥俄州, 现有员工145人,其中87人从事生产, 平均时薪16美元.90.

随着业务的持续增长, 理查兹工业公司发现很难找到合格的

填补中高技能职位空缺的候选人. 结果是, Richards Industries began to engage with 合作伙伴 for a Competitive Workforce’s (PCW’s) Advanced Manufacturing Industry 合作伙伴hip (AMIP).

Since 2009, PCW has convened the AMIP to meet the needs of employers and employees in the industry. 行业伙伴关系模式利用雇主领导使教育与行业保持一致, 设计职业道路与便携式和可堆叠的证书,以满足行业需求, 让教育和劳动力利益相关者参与培训劳动力, and utilize industry intelligence to develop long-term strategies to improve the talent pipeline.

In 2012, an advisory committee of manufacturers led by Richards Industries partnered with Cincinnati State 科技nical and Community College to develop an entry-level Machine Operator Training Program. 课程包括机械车间数学, 机械读图, 安全, 程控, 机械加工, 以及CNC入门. In 2013, Richards Industries enrolled 10 incumbent workers who completed the Machine Operator 1 curriculum designed to lead to the National Institute for Metal Working Skills (NIMS) Certification. 该项目的总投资为2.8万美元.800美元,其中PCW出资50%,Richards Industries出资50%,即每位员工2800美元.

The Manufacturing Institute developed a return on investment calculator that could be used to quantify the business impact of partnering with an educational institution on manufacturers when used as opposed to traditional sourcing options. The calculator identifies current costs incurred by manufacturers in hiring and training new jobseekers and compares the current process to costs associated with the implementation of an alternative method.


这一行动, 采访对象是谢丽尔·奈海塞尔, 人力资源副总裁; Bill Metz, Vice President of Operations; and Bob Linville, 加工经理.


The first section of the toolkit was designed to determine the cost of an open position and to confirm expenses incurred during the current hiring process. 这些指标是基于与雇佣机器操作员相关的成本假设.

理查兹工业公司预先确定生产效率等于4.5万美元.每个员工每月00美元的收入,也就是1500美元.这是一个未平仓头寸的成本. Richards Industries has an 11% companywide 营业额 rate and it takes approximately 30 days to fill a vacant position. 理查兹工业公司的加班人数也增加了8人.每个空缺职位32%. 生产员工的满负荷工资约为27英镑.加班时每小时00美元. In 2014, the total cost of open machine operator positions at Richards Industries was $360,000.00 (8 x $45,000.00 = $360,000.00).


招聘和雇用费用包括广告费, 候选人面试, 内部会议, 筛选, 测试, 背景调查. Richards Industries employed a unique process in which they would typically conduct hiring events at their facility using up to 10 managers to interview approximately 50 candidates for 5 vacant positions. Qualified applicants receive second and third interviews with successful candidates eventually tested and hired to fill vacancies. 虽然这是一个耗时又繁琐的过程, 员工时间的实际业务成本(包括加载工资和测试)等于1美元,889.每名新雇员00美元.


A new hire generally begins with low productivity and costs the company more than they bring in value and becomes more productive through on-the-job training and a successful onboarding process. On-the-job training costs consist of employee and supervisor fully loaded wages and equipment and supplies utilized during time spent in training. 理查兹工业有三个级别的机器操作员分类, 机器操作员1, 2, 这通常需要一个新员工,000 hours of on-the-job training to reach 100% productivity of a machine operator 3 positions. 在此期间, 主管通常花25%的时间管理和培训员工, 确认和确认员工的能力,直到员工的工作效率达到100%. 按照目前的流程,理查兹工业公司的在职培训费用为9.1万美元.每雇用一名新机器操作员.


当一家公司缺少生产线上的关键技术岗位时, 它会影响生产力, 效率, 并最终, 盈利能力. Having skilled manufacturing roles go unfilled influences several different operational metrics including, 质量, 废, 以及客户满意度. 制造商经常会经历加班成本的增加, 生产周期时间, 以及由于不熟练的劳动力造成的生产停工.  尽管理查兹工业公司报告加班人数增加了8.32% per open position and agrees that cycle time and production downtime are both impacted by a lack of a 质量 workforce, 他们不希望将这些指标包括在最终的投资回报率计算中.


There are many cost savings that can potentially be impacted when employers partner with an educational provider to develop and train a qualified workforce including reductions in hiring, 营业额, 加班费. Richards Industries reported a reduction of time spent in on-the-job training for all ten of their incumbent workers who participated in the training by approximately 30% when compared to employees who did not participate in this project. 在职培训的减少为公司节省了27,300美元.每位员工00美元或27.3万美元.这个项目是1000美元. 虽然所有10名在职工人目前仍受雇于理查兹工业公司, Richards Industries did not want to attribute cost savings resulting from a reduction in 营业额 in this calculation.


这个项目的每个参与者的总成本是2 800美元.$27,300的总费用节省.00 per employee through reducing the time spent in on the job training and time necessary for employees to become 100% productive. 本项目投资回报率为875%. ROI =(收益-投资/投资)27,300美元.00 – $2,800.00 = $24,500.00/$2,800.00 = 8.75 x 100 = 875%.


为了在今天的经济中保持竞争力, manufacturers must develop and implement strategies to attract and retain a qualified workforce. Partnering with an educational provider can be a critical first step in ensuring businesses has the talent they need now and in the future. “作为一家连续几年被公认为最佳工作场所的公司, I was well aware of many the benefits of investing in employee training such as increased job satisfaction, 承诺, 和忠诚,谢丽尔·奈海塞尔说, 人力资源副总裁. “然而, I was pleasantly surprised at the cost savings and the verified return on investment of this training initiative by significantly reducing our on-the-job training costs and time spent to become 100% productive for our middle skill employees.”

来源:Stephen Tucker


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